Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Remember customer service?

Everything these days is self serve, automated, get in, get out and do it in a hurry! You have a problem? Well call our automated hot line open 24/7 or go on our website and fill out 2000 pages of documents and someone from our corporate office will blah, blah, blah. I think the days of true customer service have long been forgotten, people replaced by machines that don't get tired, don't eat, don't take breaks, and they will work for as long as you want them to.

Now don't get me wrong, I have worked as a CSR before and I am well aware of how stressful it can be, especially if you are dealing with angry customers who are all blaming you for their problems or defective merchandise. It is no fun whatsoever! As I sit here and think about it,  a machine would seem like the logical choice for dealing with these unruly individuals. I know I sure don't want to hear them complaining about this while I have to stand there and take it with a smile on my face. No sir! Let a machine do it.  It wont get mad at the customers, it will listen to their complaints, and it wont run off crying saying "I quit!" Problem solved...I think not.

I'm sure that at some point in your life you have had to deal with some type of automated system. When you did call the company was it to give them a good review? Was it because you were so satisfied with their product you looked up the number, waited on hold listening to the same horrible elevator music for 3 hours while the kids are destroying the house like wild animals just so you can tell them what a phenomenal job they are doing? No you were on the phone because their product failed. Now you have to jump through an endless amount of hoops to hear an automated machine say "I am sorry." "I did not understand your response." "Im sorry, I still didn't get that." or "Im sorry would you like to..." Now for a customer that is already about to blow, putting them on the line with a machine is probably the worst possible thing you want to do.

You don't usually realize how bad the customer service is somewhere until you are the one that needs it, and the times you do need it, you certainly do not want to leave a message, send an email, or repeat yourself to a machine until you are blue in the face. You want to talk to a real, live, breathing, human being. Someone that can actually help you with your problem and give you answers. Companies have gone out of business because they forgot about the most important thing...Serving their customer.

So to the CEOs and stream liners of Corporate America, next time you start thinking about your wallets and not your customers, remember just who puts that money in there.

Now I know that this blog isn't going to change anything. Machines are the new and improved employees of the future. So much so, that since you started reading this, corporations will have replaced 5 humans with 2 machines, 3 customer service reps will have run off crying, and 1 person has probably gone completely crazy trying to get through to a real person.

I just want to say that sometimes trying to stay as cost effective as possible, can ultimately cost you everything. People will always be of better "service" than any machine!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Getting the most

Getting the most out of your wholesale supplier should not be like pulling teeth. Your wholesale supplier should be bending over backwards to keep you happy and if they're not...Well maybe you should consider a change.

Im sure that there are a lot of people out there that are just like me when it comes to change...Not for it. We as humans get comfortable with "routine". When we have to leave our comfort zone it is usually done with some complaining, griping, etc. But sometimes that change is just what you needed!

Take your wholesale supplier for example. Are they doing all that they can to keep your business? Do you still get treated the way you did before you placed your first order? When you call do you reach them? If not do they return your calls or emails? These are all things that you should consider when thinking about your relationship between you and your wholesaler.

So you thought about it and what did you conclude? If the answer to all of the questions above is a yes then I would have to say that you are getting the most or damn close to it out of your wholesaler. If you answered no, how many times did you answer no? If it was once I would place a safe bet that you are in good hands. If you answered no more than once maybe its time to take a look and see what else is out there.

Just like leaving your comfort zone it might feel a bit strange talking to other wholesale suppliers, and yes you may feel like you are cheating on your old wholesaler but do yourself a favor and listen to what they have to say. Let them sell you on why you should use them as a supplier. What do they offer? Free shipping? no minimum order? What? Find out if their services will be a good fit. Make sure that you like them, and most of all make sure that they are legit!

After talking with a few suppliers you should be able to tell if making a change is the right decision for your business. After all you are the one that controls your destiny, don't let it be controlled! Wholesale suppliers are a dime a dozen and with competition so fierce you are sure to find a company out there that is willing to cater to you...their customer!

Remember this, the relationship between you and your wholesaler should be looked at as a beneficial partnership for the both of you. The wholesaler should make his money but at the same time give you a deal as to where you can make money as well. If the partnership is not 50/50 then you should look for one that is.